Membership Information

Membership is Currently Open to New Members. Please attend a EGOC meeting in order to join.  See all information below for dues, dates of meetings, and for more information email: 

There is no age limit for membership, but to participate in a craft show, a minor must meet all show contract requirements.


Our crafting year runs from September 1 to August 31.
Dues of $15.00 cover that period.
Dues must be paid and current for crafters to participate in the craft show held each year.


2024-2025 Meeting Dates
Held at 7pm 1st Thursdays of the months below at Glenwood Methodist Church  2931 Myrtle St, Erie, PA 16508

  • January -February 2025 NO MEETINGS
  • March 6, 2025
  • April 3, 2025
  • May 1, 2025
  • June 5, 2025

The Erie Guild of Craftsmen meets once a month, eight times a year, in the months beginning with September, October, November and December; then again starting in March, April, May and finally June. Guests are welcome to attend one meeting at no charge. (NOTE: NO meetings in January and February)

We currently meet at 7:00 PM the first Thursday of these months at:
Glenwood Methodist Church
2931 Myrtle Street, Erie, PA

On the corner of Myrtle and Peach Streets

IMG_20141002_190529We take a winter break in the months of January and February and a summer break in the months of July and August. The meetings usually last about an hour and a half. The order of these meetings are as follows:

  • Bringing the meeting to order.
  • Show and Tell
  • Program
  • Reading of the minutes from the previous meeting
  • Reports of Standing Committees & Reports of Special Committees
  • Old Business
  • New Business
  • Announcements
  • Adjournment
  • Fellowship Time – Members enjoy refreshment of cookies & punch.

Craft Show

The Guild holds a fall craft show every year. For more information on this show, visit the craft show page.


Workshops are an opportunity for our membership to learn about a new craft, a specific technique or be introduced to a new medium. There may be a nominal fee to attend a workshop. Additional fees may apply according to the type of workshop and the materials required. When a workshop is scheduled, information will be provided in the newsletter and given at the prior meeting along with the workshop sign-up sheet.

Show and Tell

Members are encouraged to bring example(s) of their hand designed artwork or craft and recently completed works to any meeting.


A newsletter is mailed monthly to paid-up members, approximately one week prior to the next meeting. The newsletter consists of the meeting date, type of program, workshop information, cookie request list and Guild business. You are also encouraged to submit in writing to the Communications Chairman, information about upcoming shows, craft suppliers, craft articles you may have for sale, craft short-cuts n’ tips, and any other information regarding the arts. Please submit to:

Social Media

As members, we encourage you to share comments, add photographs of your work and interact with our Social Media platforms: